An unbiased metric of antiproliferative drug effect in vitro
Published in Nature Methods, 2016
Recommended citation: Harris LA, Frick PL, Garbett SP et al. An unbiased metric of antiproliferative drug effect in vitro. Nat Methods. 2016; 13(6) 497-500. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3852. PubMed PMID: 27135974. PMCID: PMC4887341.
We describe the drug-induced proliferation (DIP) rate, the slope of the line on a plot of cell population doublings versus time, as an alternative, time-independent metric of drug response on cell populations.
Harris LA, Frick PL, Garbett SP et al. An unbiased metric of antiproliferative drug effect in vitro. Nat Methods. 2016; 13(6) 497-500. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3852. PubMed PMID: 27135974. PMCID: PMC4887341.